The Department will comply with environmental legislation, deliver the University’s Environmental Sustainability, Vision, Policy Framework and endeavour:
- to promote environmental management policies and practices;
- to increase awareness of environmental responsibilities amongst staff, students and visitors;
- to work with other agencies to promote appropriate environmental policies;
- to implement policies and procedures that contribute to a reduction in the Department's carbon footprint;
- to refuse unnecessary purchases and to seek out more environmentally friendly alternatives when purchases need to be made;
- to reuse and repurpose goods already purchased;
- to maximise recycled waste;
- to minimise non-recyclable waste;
- to reduce energy consumption;
- to reduce water consumption;
- to minimise use of chemical and other pollutants;
- to maintain the premises in an environmentally sensitive way;
- to encourage modes of transport and communication amongst its staff, students and visitors which will minimise environmental impact.