Prof Patrick Baert
Professor Patrick Baert
Professor in Social Theory
Director of Research
Social and political theory; culture and politics; intellectuals; public intellectuals; intellectual history |
Prof Brendan Burchell
Professor Brendan Burchell
Professor in Sociology
Precarious employment and mental health; job quality, gender and wellbeing; digital work; the advantages of shorter working hours

Prof Manali Desai
Professor Manali Desai
Professor of Sociology
Gender and sexual violence in urban and peri-urban India and South Africa; colonial rule and long-term development in India; class formation in India
Dr Robert Dorschel
Dr Robert Dorschel
Assistant Professor in Digital Sociology
Technology and social change, digital labour, social class, cultural sociology, social theory
Prof Jennifer Gabrys
Prof Jennifer Gabrys
Chair in Media, Culture and Environment
Science and technology studies (STS), digital media, political ecology, environmental justice, participation
Dr Stuart Hogarth
Dr Stuart Hogarth
Associate Professor in Sociology of Science and Technology
Science; technology; biomedical innovation; political economy of diagnostic innovation
Prof Maria Iacovou
Professor Maria Iacovou
Professor in Quantitative Sociology
Director of Postgraduate Education
Family relationships; intra-household relationships; parenting and child development; quantitative research methods
Prof Hazem Kandil
Professor Hazem Kandil
Professor of Historical and Political Sociology
Head of Department
Power relations in revolution, war, and regimes; realism and social theory; military sociology; ideology and the sociology of intellectuals; comparative history
Dr Ella McPherson
Dr Ella McPherson
Associate Professor in the Sociology of New Media and Digital Technology
Technology and human rights; media and culture; digital sociology; the construction, evaluation and contestation of truth-claims
Dr Ali Meghji
Dr Ali Meghji
Associate Professor in Social Inequalities
Director of Undergraduate Education
Postcolonial sociology, race, historical sociology, Du Boisian sociology, social theory, anti/post/decolonial theory
Dr Jeff Miley
Dr Jeff Miley
Lecturer in Political Sociology
Comparative nationalisms, the politics of migration, religion and politics, and democratic theory
Prof Mónica Moreno Figueroa
Professor Mónica Moreno Figueroa
Professor in Sociology
The lived experience of ‘race’ and racism; institutional racism; antiracism; critical race theory, feminist theory, beauty and emotions; photography and visual culture
Dr Shannon Phillip
Dr Shannon Phillip
Assistant Professor in Gender
Sociology of gender and sexuality, youth sociology, urban
sociology, decolonial and postcolonial sociology, comparative sociology
Dr Matthew Sparkes
Dr Matthew Sparkes
Unestablished Assistant Professor in Sociology
Social class, financialisation, political economy
Prof Darin Weinberg
Professor Darin Weinberg
Professor in Sociology
Director of MPhil
Social theory; the sociology of science; sociology of health and illness; qualitative research methodologies
Dr Alex Wood
Dr Alex Wood
Assistant Professor in Economic Sociology
Neo-Marxist and Polanyian theory, platform work, AI and digital technologies in the workplace, job quality, worker resistance and labour movements, transformations in employment, class and capitalism.