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Department of Sociology


Useful resources and training programmes to assist you in your studies.


Cambridge Undergraduate Quantitative Methods (CUQM)

CUQM is dedicated to improving the provision of quantitative methods training to social science and humanities undergraduates at Cambridge. Sociology undergraduates are welcome to participate in CUQM activities. 

Cambridge Research Methods (CaRM)

An interdisciplinary programme of research methods training for staff and postgraduate students. Courses cover qualitative and quantitative research methods, from basic training to advanced statistical analysis.​ 

Skills Discovery Tool

Assess your current skills and get ideas on how to develop them further using the Skills Discovery Tool, accessible with a Raven login. 

LinkedIn Learning

More than 5,000 expert-led courses videos on creative, technical and professional skills. This widely used resource is available for all Cambridge students and staff with a Raven login

Careers Service

Maximise your employability with one-to-one guidance consultations; major careers events; briefings and skill sessions; employer presentations; and a database of graduate-level job vacancies in Handshake

Useful Links

IT support

For assistance with any aspect of IT or Computing, please contact the IT Helpdesk via  or for more information (including additional contact details) visit: Computing and IT resources


Reference Letter Request Form

The Department has devised a new reference letter policy designed to support the efforts of referees in producing timely and well-informed letters. Those seeking letters should fill out the attached form and send it to their referee at least 14 days ahead of the deadline.  

Students should approach their director of studies, tutors and/or UTOs (University Teaching Offices) for letters in the first instance.

Though we endeavour to support applicants, it is not always possible to write letters for referees. This timescale allows the letter requester to ask someone else for a letter should their first referee not be available.  Should the letter requester need a reference to be sent to multiple destinations, a consideration of the use of a reference manager service like Interfolio should be made.

Download the Reference Letter Request Form