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Department of Sociology

Students on the 2019 Sutton Trust Summer School

The Department of Sociology is committed to widening participation in Higher Education, and runs outreach events across the year.

On this page you will find select details of upcoming open days and outreach events at the University of Cambridge. The University has a dedicated Care Travel Fund to enable children in (or previously in) care to travel to events organised by the University and Colleges of Cambridge.

If you have any queries about outreach please contact our Communications and Outreach Co-ordinator. You can also find us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.


Virtual Tour

The University of Cambridge has developed a virtual tour that prospective students can use to explore the city and the University online. Prospective undergraduate students can find the Department of Sociology listed under Human, Social and Political Sciences. Prospective postgraduate (Masters, PhD) students can find us under the Sociology section.


Open Days

Undergraduate Open Days

The Undergraduate Open Days are for prospective applicants in Year 12 (or the equivalent) and prospective mature applicants (aged 21 or over) only, together with up to two parents or supporters.

On the day you’ll be able to find out what the University and Colleges have to offer through presentations about our courses, the application process, student life, and finance. You’ll also have the opportunity to live chat with current undergraduates and staff from the Colleges and academic departments.

Visit the Undergraduate Study website for more information.

Postgraduate Open Days

The University of Cambridge Postgraduate Open days are designed for final year undergraduate students, or students who have already graduated, who are seeking to enter into postgraduate study at Masters or PhD level.  

During the day there will be detailed information about the postgraduate application process. Current students and postgraduate admissions staff will be on hand to answer questions about postgraduate study and student life in the vibrant city of Cambridge. Staff will also be available to give you advice on the application process, funding opportunities and careers after your course.

Click here to watch Discover Cambridge: Master’s and PhD study webinars held in February 2024.

The Open days for 2024-25 admission will be held on Tuesday 5 November 2024, 3.00 to 3.40, details to follow. Click here for further information and to sign up to the newsletter to receive up-to-date information about postgraduate courses.


Outreach Events

Photography Competition

Each year the Department of Sociology at the University of Cambridge hosts a photography competition aimed at students in Years 10, 11, 12 and 13. Students are invited to enter one photograph and an accompanying paragraph that explains how the photo interprets the theme. The winning student will receive £100 for themselves and £100 for their school.

Visit our Photo Competition page for more information.

Sutton Trust Summer Schools

Sutton Trust Summer Schools are free, subject-specific, residential courses for Year 12 students studying at state-maintained schools in the UK. The five-day summer schools in July and August allow students to explore their interest in one of 26 subjects and gain an insight into what it is like to live and study as a first-year undergraduate student at Cambridge.

For more information visit the Undergraduate Study website.

SHARE Summer School

Our Social Sciences and Humanities Access to Research Experience (SHARE) programme is a four-week paid internship that gives undergraduates the opportunity to experience postgraduate research in the social sciences and humanities at the University of Cambridge and Anglia Ruskin University.  

For more information please visit the SHARE website.


Foundation Year

The Cambridge Foundation Year is a one-year programme that offers talented students from disadvantaged backgrounds a new route into undergraduate study. The course is designed to prepare students, who did not meet the normal entry requirements for studying at Cambridge, for a undergraduate degree in the Arts, Humanities or Social Sciences. The Foundation Year is free and on completion students receive a Certificate of Higher Education and entry into one of 18 degree programmes at the University of Cambridge.

For more information visit the Cambridge University website, and to check your eligibility please visit the Undergraduate Admissions pages.

Undergraduate Outreach

Cambridge University runs a variety of outreach events for prospective undergraduates including open days, summer schools and masterclasses.

Get In Cambridge Campaign

In 2018, 23.5% of new undergraduates came from BME backgrounds. The Get In Cambridge Campaign challenges stereotypes and showcases committees and societies for different ethnic groups at the University.