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Department of Sociology


What we offer

Visiting scholars may stay for up to a year, although the typical visit is one term. They are given access to University of Cambridge network and libraries, as well as a temporary University of Cambridge email address.

They are welcome to attend departmental seminars and lectures. The Department does not provide work space for visiting scholars or tuition to postdoctoral researchers. Visiting scholars must find their own accommodation in Cambridge, the University of Cambridge Accommodation Service may be able to help.

The Newcomers and Visiting Scholars society provides social activities for university scholars and their families, to help you settle in.


Who can apply?

Applicants should ordinarily have a PhD and hold an academic post, or have equivalent practice-based or professional experience. 

Their application must be sponsored by a member of the University of Cambridge Department of Sociology staff.  It is preferred that this is a permanent member of staff.

Visiting scholars must have a scholarly link to the Department, such as through a research collaboration or need to use resources at the University of Cambridge.


When to apply

Applications should be submitted at least a term before the visiting scholar’s proposed start date.  There are three deadlines per year: 1st November, 1st February and 1st July. The three terms of the academic year at Cambridge are: Michaelmas (October–December), Lent (January–March) and Easter (April–June). Exact dates for the academic year are available here.


How to apply

Applications should include:



The fee for Visiting Scholars is £200 per month, £600 per full term or £2400 per year (plus VAT). Any costs associated with a Certificate of Sponsorship application will also be added to the fee. Applicants must be self-funded.

Visiting Scholars will be asked to provide payment in advance of their residency.


Further information

Please send any questions to


Confidentiality Notice

The Department of Sociology uses your personal information to process your application to be a Visiting Scholar and to administrate your visit if your application is successful.

Your name and contact details will be held by the Department of Sociology in secure digital and hard copy files, and will be circulated to appropriate governance committees and staff for consideration. Unsuccessful applicants’ details will be held on file for two years, and successful applicants’ information for six years. Research Committee minutes and papers are held for five years from the end of the year the Committee was held in, and then considered as part of the archival process of the University.

For more information about how we handle your personal information, and your rights under data protection legislation, please see