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Department of Sociology


The latest research and thought on contemporary sociology presented by leading sociologists. All staff and students, graduate and undergraduate, are welcome.   This year’s series is convened by Professor Patrick Baert.

Time: 12.30 – 2pm                  Dates: alternate Tuesdays during term time 
Venue: Sociology Seminar Room, Free School Lane, Cambridge CB2 3RQ 

Access information:  The seminar room is accessed via two short flights of steps and a lift.  Please contact ahead of seminars to arrange access.

Lent Term 2025 - upcoming events

28 January     The Struggle for Meaning in Post-Assadist Syria
                       Speaker: Dr Zeina Al-Azmeh, Department of Sociology, University of Cambridge
                       Chair: Professor Hazem Kandil, Department of Sociology, University of Cambridge

11 February   The Love Jones Cohort: Examining the Lifestyles of those Single and Living Alone in the Black Middle Class
                      Speaker: Dr Kris Marsh, Department of Sociology, University of Maryland

25 February   Born to Rule: the making and remaking of the British Elite
                      Speakers: Professor Sam Friedman and Professor Aaron Reeves, London School of Economics

11 March       No such thing as society? Learning from AI in the street. 
                     Speaker: Professor Noortje Marres, Professor in Science, Technology and Society in the Centre for Interdisciplinary                                         Methodologies, University of Warwick 


Michaelmas Term 2024 - past events with additional information and videos

The Problem of White Normativity.   (15 October)

Speaker: Professor Eduardo Bonilla-Silva, James B. Duke Distinguished Professor of sociology at Duke University

Chair: Professor Patrick Baert, Professor of Social Theory, University of Cambridge


The Love of Books in the UK.   (29 October)

Speaker: Dr María Angélica Thumala Olave, Senior Lecturer in Sociology, University of Edinburgh
Chair: Professor Patrick Baert, Professor of Social Theory, University of Cambridge


The Sociology of Religion without ‘Religion’?  (12 November)

Speaker: Dr Lois Lee, Senior Lecturer, University of Kent
Chair: Dr Robert Dorschel, Assistant Professor in Digital Sociology, University of Cambridge


Non-White Meta-Categories in the US and UK.  (26 November)

Speaker: Mari Sanchez, Doctoral Student in Sociology, Harvard University
Chair: Dr Ali Meghji, Associate Professor in Social Inequalities, University of Cambridge