Our lunchtime seminars feature leading sociologists who present and discuss the latest research and thought on contemporary topics. All are welcome!
All seminars take place in the Sociology Seminar Room at the Dept of Sociology on Free School Lane and on-line (please see each event listing below for joining details). Sandwiches and snacks are served from 12.15 and seminars start at 12.30.
Lent Term |
Tuesday 23rd January Black British Voices Project: The Final Report (postponed)Speaker: Dr Kenny Monrose, Research Affiliate, Dept of Sociology, University of Cambridge Chair: Professor Sarah Franklin, Professor of Sociology, University of Cambridge. |
Tuesday 20th February Gender Fluidity: Progress and Pushbacks in the UK TodaySpeaker: Professor Sally Hines, Chair of Sociology, University of Sheffield Chair: Professor Sarah Franklin, Professor of Sociology, University of Cambridge. |
Wednesday 28th February Colonizing Palestine: The Zionist Left and the Making of the Palestinian NakbaBased on extensive empirical research in local colony and national archives, Dr Areej Sabbagh-Khoury's Colonizing Palestine offers a microhistory of frontier interactions between Zionist settlers and indigenous Palestinians within the British imperial field. |
Wednesday 6th March Policing Empires: Militarization, Race, and the Imperial Boomerang in Britain and the USSpeaker: Professor Julian Go, Professor of Sociology, University of Chicago Chair: Dr Filipe Carreira da Silva, Fellow of Selwyn College, University of Cambridge |
Michaelmas Term |
Tuesday 10th October The End Everyday Racism Project at Cambridge: 2023 Report Launch and FindingsSpeakers: Professor Mónica Moreno Figueroa, Professor of Sociology, University of Cambridge, Dr Ella McPherson, Associate Professor in the Sociology of New Media and Digital Technology, University of Cambridge and Dr Hande Güzel, Research Affiliate, University of Cambridge. |
Tuesday 7th November Bringing the Masses Back In: Explaining Spontaneous Uprisings from the French Revolution to Black Lives MatterSpeaker: Dr Benjamin Abrams, Lecturer in Sociology and Leverhulme Early Career Fellow, University College London Chair: Professor Hazem Kandil, Professor of Historical and Political Sociology, University of Cambridge |