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Department of Sociology


Congratulations to Dr Kusha Sefat for being awarded the Best PhD Dissertation of the Year on a Topic of Iranian Studies by the Foundation for Iranian Studies

Congratulations to Dr Kusha Sefat for being awarded the 2016-17 Best PhD Dissertation of the Year on a Topic of Iranian Studies for his dissertation entitled Tehran: The Politics of Things.

The award is an annual prize, awarded by the Foundation for Iranian Studies. The Foundation for Iranian Studies was established in 1981 as a non-profit educational and research institution to preserve, study, and transmit Iran's cultural heritage; to study contemporary issues in Iranian government and society; and to point to the probable social, economic, political, and military directions Iran might take in the 21st century.

The awarding committee noted that Kusha Sefat has made an "exceptional contribution to the field of Iranian Studies" by, among other achievements, "stating clearly the study's problematic... constructing an original, intellectually fecund, and conceptually productive theoretical framework for the analysis and explication of political sociology of the Iranian revolution of 1979 and the dynamics of the post-revolutionary politics ...developing and employing successfully a rigorous methodology to bring together a significant array of primary and secondary sources, including relevant literature, politically instrumental media, and critical information secured through interviews judiciously conducted in the field in Tehran and elsewhere... adopting an innovative approach to the study of links between public objects and words and their effect on the development and structuring of political fields... methodically connecting data, text, and speech to construct a credible framework for discerning and evaluating how confluence of public object and discourse shaped a determinative political field in the revolution and each of the first three decades of post-revolutionary Iran, and by extension, potential applicability of the lessons derived to studies of other historically relevant events ... excellent organization of the work."

Well done, Kusha!